-=gfX=- What's new in gfX --- 03.10.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( -------------- - removed bug when drawing clicked button --- 01.10.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( -------------- + Better using JPEG images, better memory management + BUG IN Win2000 (non-admin user) - Program cannot execute anything - fixed, build with Delphi 6 + Packed in UPX --- 05.06.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX infWizard (0.92, z 4.6. 23:55) ----------------------------- + Wizard for creating autorun.inf - its in gfX Editr --- 04.06.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( -------------- + Complete new command line parameters * SplashScreen - You can set colors (gardient, text) Parameters: launcher.exe [ini_file_name.ini] [-X] [-N] [-Ssplas_image_filename] [-LRRGGBB] [-RRRGGBB] [-TRRGGBB] [-P[time]] [-M] ini_file_name.ini - if launcher.ini default name isnt used -X - dont show splashscreen -N - dont show splashscreenu progress bar (you will see only picture) -Sjmeno_obrazku - use other splasscreen image (default filename is splash.bmp) -LRRGGBB - Left color -RRRGGBB - right color -TRRGGBB - Text color. All colors are in HTML (HEXA) code RR - red (00..FF) GG - green (00..FF) BB - blue (00..FF) -P[time] - Splash screen will be show until main screen scrolls time - in ms - waiting before show main screen -M - runs in MUTE mode (enable sounds by pressing X key) --- 18.10.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( ---- ? :-) --- 18.07.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX (1.4.0) ---- * New action - Eject (ejects CD - only if .INI is on CD) + BugFixes (fast clicking, clicking when form is hidding) gfX edit (1.4.0) -------- * New action Eject + Fixed Open dialogs Mask: Size limit is 64kb - under Win9x. Under W2k works mask bigger than 240kb. Using Mask: Because JPEG using losses compresion (particularly sharp edges) its useful to use other image file (true color bitmap). Editor process image and make .msk file (select transparent color by clicking at image area). When its done mask image file (if is different) isnt needed. gfX using parts of TPlasmaForm v1.1 unit (Author: Audreyn Justus, aj@base.com.br). --- 16.07.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX (1.4.RC) - private ---- + Changed MaskForm using (faster, smaller exe) + Hidding form - u can select direction and slpeed in editor + Text window isnt gray in Win2k gfX edit (1.4.RC) -------- * Mask form - now is useful --- 6.07.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX (1.4.b1) - private ---- * MASK form (soubor jmeno-ini-souboru.MSK) + Při držení myši se dokresluje stisknuté tlačítko + Skrývání formu (volitelné podle parametrů) gfX edit (1.4.b1) -------- * MASK form · BMPs přesunuty do Parameters + Automatické doplnění rozměrů formu --- 05.06.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( ---- * WinNT/2000 executing MailTo/URL works fine (action WinEXEC) gfX edit ( -------- * New actions "-> SEND MAIL" and "-> OPEN URL" - sets action WinEXEC and sets settings for actions... + Disabling fields ShellAPI when action isnt "RUN" --- 28.05.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( ---- * Executing programs if Launcher program was not found + One common program + Every button can have own (ie URL to download missing file...) gfX edit ( -------- * Select for Minimize key - Shift Esc or ESC only (from gfX * Choice for "Not Found" programs + Button Cancel in Parameters - Help wasn't updated --- 25.05.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( - PRIVATE ONLY) ---- + Key Shift+ESC (or ESC only) minimize launcher --- 18.05.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( ---- + You can set TextInfo font color ([TextInfo] FontColor=...) gfX edit ( -------- * Setting TextInfo color (Button FontCol) + Refresh "List Buttons" window when opening new ini file + "HelpFile" was renamed to "TextFile" --- 04.03.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( --- * Picture "splash.bmp" in same dir with INI file - if not set by -S parameter - will be used as splash bitmap... * New commandline parameter "-S" · You can use any .BMP and JPEG picture in SPLASHSCREEN (I advise to use BMP max 40kb) · Between -S and filename isn't space! · Parameter MUST be last · Path in filename is relative to EXE (all other paths are relative to INI file), because file is open before opening INI · Example: launcher.exe "gfx test\myini.ini" -S"gfx test\splash.bmp" --- 29.01.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( --- * Automatic terminate on CD-Eject... I cant detect which CD has been ejected, but WinSight do that - can someone help? (so prog terminate on any eject... problems with multi-cd systems...) ! Fixed bug in TProgress component (Splash screen) - Its Carmi Grushko (autor TProgress) bug - not my :-) (but I found it and fix - less System Resources) ! ShellAPI path - now should work fine - this is bug in Windows... Path starting with \ isnt correct (MUST start with drive letter... grr) - program now automatic add drive where is INI located - Still testing under Win95 - Please report me your bugs... * Testing Sound Schemes in Windows - if NONE then program starts in MUTE mode --- 23.01.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( ---- + Keyboard support! - Keys UP and DOWN jumps to prev/next button (in number order) - see Sort in Edit - Key ENTER - exec button + Key X - SILENT mode (disable sounds) - indicated by "MUTE" in Program title (useful when you recording to MiniDisk or Cassette) + Detailed ErrorMsg (when backgounds wasnt found) gfX edit ( -------- ! Losting CustomDesing (CustomShape) - fixed, now works fine ! Updated Help (sorry, czech only), some TabOrder changes ! Hiding last active button when start drawing new - fixed + Button SORT 1) Sorting buttons by TOP value (Y axis) 2) "compress" buttons list (if you delete some buttons) + CheckBox SORT - automatic DO SORT on saving INI + ShellAPI PATH - Check if path finalize with \ - Path there must NOT Finalize with \ - because under Windows 95 you get bad results (because: "c:\windows\" under W95 NOT EXISTS BUT "c:\windows" EXIST) --- 22.01.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( - not released ---- + Next commandline parameter: "-X" -> Hide SpashScreen when program starts (ie. Launcher.exe "c:\_NiTro Autorun_\Launcher\Launch Wolf.ini" -x) --- 20.01.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX (1.2.3) ---- + Buttons count enhance to 100 (50 wasnt enough...) · loading speed still fine · New icon gfX edit (1.2.3) -------- + Buttons count enhance to 100 --- 16.01.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( ---- + Remaked loading/drawing TextInfo (helptext): · All files was loaded at prog.start to memory... · simple - its looks better ;-) - filesize is over 500kb :( --- 15.01.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX ( ---- + Remaked drawing mousecursor (if HandCursor is enable) - now its non flasing - looks more better + ErrorMsg report enhaced --- 13.01.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- gfX (1.2.2) - web online ---- + About dialog (Access form Application menu - right mouse at explorer bar program's button) · Direct link to web, email and guestbook --- web ----------------------------------------------------- Added GuestBook, Woko watching, mailing list gfx@pandora.cz